Papers and Presentations

The following list contains all my conference papers and presentations except tutorials. The publication entries are sorted along the timeline. More recent publications are listed first. For publications with a PDF button, clicking the button will open a PDF file with the paper itself, or the presentation, if no conference paper has been compiled. If a second PDF button is shown, it contains a link to the corresponding presentation. In some cases, the paper's title may contain a hyperlink to a page with further information about the paper's content and the motivational context for its compilation.

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Scheithauer, Dieter. 2024. "Zur Soziologie des Systems Engineering"
In Tag des Systems Engineering: Leipzig, 13. - 15. November 2024, edited by W. Koch, D. Wilke, S. Dreisattel and R. Kaffenberger. Bremen (GE): GfSE Verlag.

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Scheithauer, Dieter. 2024. "Elemente für einen Paradigmenwechsel im Systems Engineering"
Tutorial, Tag des Systems Engineering: Leipzig, 13. - 15. November 2024.

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Scheithauer, Dieter. 2024. "From Artisans to Mass Production – Systems Engineering in the Enterprise."
Presentation to SWISSED24, Zurich (CH): 9 September.

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Scheithauer, Dieter. 2023. "Grenzen des Systems Engineering"
In Tag des Systems Engineering: Würzburg, 15. - 17. November 2023, edited by W. Koch, D. Wilke, S. Dreisattel and R. Kaffenberger. Bremen (GE): GfSE Verlag.

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Scheithauer, Dieter. 2023. "Systems Engineering Versus System-of-Systems Engineering – A Substitute Debate Masking a Severe Issue."
Presentation to SWISSED23, Zurich (CH): 18 September.

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Scheithauer, Dieter. 2022. "Zum fehlenden Unternehmensbegriff im Systems Engineering – Ursachen, Folgen, Lösungsansätze"
In Tag des Systems Engineering: Paderborn, 16. - 18. November 2022, edited by W. Koch, D. Wilke, S. Dreisattel and R. Kaffenberger. Bremen (GE): GfSE Verlag.

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Scheithauer, Dieter. 2022. "Three Major Risk Areas of Iterative System Integration."
Presentation to SWISSED22, Zurich (CH): 12 September.

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Scheithauer, Dieter. 2017. "Requirements Engineering Revisited."
Presentation to SWISSED17, Zurich (CH): 4 September.

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Scheithauer, Dieter. 2016. "Hoch-Integre Technische Systeme."
In Tag des Systems Engineering: Herzogenaurach, 25. - 27. October 2016, edited by S.-O. Schulze, C. Tschirner, R. Kaffenberger and S. Ackva. München (GE): Carl Hanser Verlag.

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Scheithauer, Dieter. 2015. "Systems Engineering im Marktwirtschaftlichen Kontext."
In Tag des Systems Engineering: Ulm, 11. - 13. November 2015, edited by S.-O. Schulze and C. Muggeo. München (GE): Carl Hanser Verlag.

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Scheithauer, Dieter. 2015. "System Interface Engineering."
Paper presented at the 25th INCOSE International Symposium, Seattle WA (US): 13 - 16 July.

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Scheithauer, Dieter. 2015. "Architecting of Systems for Participation in Systems-of-Systems."
Paper presented at the NATO LS-SCI-276, Lisbon (PT): 30-31 January.

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Scheithauer, Dieter. 2015. "System Interfaces and System Interoperability in a System-of-Systems Context."
Paper presented at the NATO LS-SCI-276, Lisbon (PT): 30-31 January.

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Scheithauer, Dieter. 2014. "Qualität im System Design."
In Tag des Systems Engineering: Bremen, 12. - 14. November 2014, edited by M. Maurer and S.-O. Schulze. München (GE): Carl Hanser Verlag.

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Scheithauer, Dieter. 2014. "Systems Engineering Value Stream Modelling."
Paper presented at the EMEASEC 2014, Cape Town (ZA): 27-30 October.

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Scheithauer, Dieter. 2014. "The Role of Systems Engineering in Business Planning."
Paper presented at the 24th INCOSE International Symposium, Las Vegas NV (US): 30 June - 3 July.

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Scheithauer, Dieter. 2013. "Lebenszyklusphasenmodelle Heute."
In Tag des Systems Engineering: Der Weg zu den technischen Systemen von morgen, edited by M. Maurer and S.-O. Schulze. München (GE): Carl Hanser Verlag.

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Scheithauer, Dieter, and Forsberg, Kevin. 2013. "V-Model Views."
Paper presented at the 23rd INCOSE International Symposium, Philadelphia PA (US): 24-27 June.

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Scheithauer, Dieter. 2012. "Analyse und Synthese im Systems Engineering."
In Tag des Systems Engineering: Zusammenhänge erkennen und gestalten, edited by M. Maurer and S.-O. Schulze. München (GE): Carl Hanser Verlag.

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Scheithauer, Dieter. 2012. "Managing Concurrency in Systems Engineering."
Paper presented at the 22nd INCOSE International Symposium, Rome (IT): 9-12 July.

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Autran, Frederic, and Scheithauer, Dieter. 2012. "Introducing Systems Engineering Views in Product Lifecycle Management."
Paper presented at the 22nd INCOSE International Symposium, Rome (IT): 9-12 July.

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Scheithauer, Dieter. 2011. "Nachhaltige Entscheidungsfindung im Systems Engineering."
In Tag des Systems Engineering: Komplexe Herausforderungen meistern, edited by M. Maurer and S.-O. Schulze. München (GE), Carl Hanser Verlag.

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Scheithauer, Dieter. 2003. "Fly-by-Wire: Einsatzbereiche und Randbedingungen."
Paper presented at Kooperationsforum Mechatronik im Automobilbau organised by Bayrisches Kompetenzzentrum für Mechatronik (BKM), Nuremberg (GE): 20 May.

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Scheithauer, Dieter and Schindler, Andrea. 2000. "A Standardisation Concept for Non-Standard Development Projects."
Paper presented at the 2nd European Systems Engineering Conference, Munich (GE): 13-15 September.

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Scheithauer, Dieter and Wunderlich, Götz. 1997: "System Integrity Considerations for Unmanned Tactical Aircraft."
Paper presented at the AGARD Conference on System Design Considerations for Unmanned Tactical Aircraft, Athens (GR): 7 - 9 October.

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Tönskötter, Hans and Scheithauer, Dieter. 1995. "The STRATO 2C Propulsion System: A New Compound Engine and Control Concept for High Altitude Flying."
Paper presented at the AGARD Conference on Advanced Aero-Engine Concepts and Controls, Seattle WA (US): 25-29 September.

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Scheithauer, Dieter. 1987. Parameterschätzung mit einem modifizierten Maximum-Likelihood-Verfahren bei Systemen mit Prozess- und Messrauschen.
Doktorabeit. Institut für Mess- und Regelungstechnik, Universität der Bundeswehr München.

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Scheithauer, Dieter. 1980. Theoretische Untersuchungen der Dynamik von Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnen.
Diplomarbeit. Institut für Mess- und Regelungstechnik, Hochschule der Bundeswehr München.