
Knowledge ThemesIn the knowledge section, you find information about my views on systems engineering centring on the Art of Systemgestaltung. The level of detail should be sufficient to grasp the principal ideas, and to understand the main differences with respect to other views on systems engineering. It is not the purpose to provide a tutorial enabling process implementation instantly as the descriptions lack important information on systems engineering management. This is not just a measure to preserve a business case regarding training, coaching, and consulting services. Evenly important are my mixed experiences with other people trying to implement my conceptual ideas. Independently of the applicable liability disclaimer, I do not want to be confronted with complaints from unknown people who claim that they have implemented everything I have written and failed to become successful. However, I hope that I have improved the comprehensibility of my ideas by providing a lot of context information far beyond what may be expected by a cookbook. I do not beg for trusting my life-time experience-based wisdom. I try instead to base my reasoning on state-of-the-art scientific evidence from various scientific disciplines as appropriate. You are free on your own risk to adopt these ideas partly or completely.

The content is organised in four subsections serving different purposes as described below:

The Art of Systemgestaltung

The Art of Systemgestaltung defines systems engineering by four flow-oriented basic narratives. The Art of Systemgestaltung is explained as consistently as possible. The content is free of comparisons with other systems engineering views including ISO 15288, Systems and Software Engineering – System Life Cycle Processes.

Systems Engineering Terminology

This section provides discussions on important systems engineering terms. The definitions are provided in support of the Art of Systemgestaltung. Where these definitions deviate significantly from the ISO definitions provided by ISO 9000, Quality Management Systems – Fundamentals and Vocabulary, and ISO 15288, Systems and Software Engineering – System Life Cycle Processes, comprehensive justifications will be given. The same yields for important systems engineering terms that are neither considered by ISO 9000 nor by ISO 15288.

Papers and Presentations

Here you find a complete list of my publicly released papers and presentations. In most cases, the papers themselves and the slides used for their presentation are hyperlinked. They provide some insight in how the Art of Systemgestaltung has evolved continuously over my professional life.


Essays are further papers published by this website. The HTML pages may be updated continuously. However, the PDF-Versions keep complete bibliographic information necessary for citation. Previously released versions will be kept for download along with the latest release.