Emergences are emergencies resulting in unexpected fundamental enrichments of the semantics within a scenario. Emergence is an important concept in Systems Thinking and Systems Engineering. Emergence is used in the contexts of nature, scientific theories, and technology and innovation.
Neither ISO 9000 nor ISO 15288 list emergence in their terms and definitions. The reluctance may be based on the opinion that cases of emergence are temporary constructs. As an example, they may point to the relation between mechanics and thermodynamics. Initially, thermodynamics rested on experienced based axioms defined by Nicolas L. S. Carnot (1796-1832) before Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906) found the formula to connect mechanics with thermodynamics. Although this is historically true, it has nothing to do with the definition of emergence above. A molecule within a gas volume owns no feature temperature or pressure. Only if all particles in a gas volume would have the same energetic state, the energetic state of a single molecule would allow a direct calculation of the temperature or pressure within the whole gas volume. If something is an unrealistic construct, then this scenario. Emergence does not break causality. In reverse, from the viewpoint of the whole gas volume only statistical deductions on the state of individual molecules are possible ignoring all mutual interactions of individual molecules by proclaiming uncorrelated, white noise.
When we talk about emergence within nature we have to start with the existence of a physical world with energy, matter, and time. It is undecidable whether the existence of the whole world is based on emergence according to the definition above, or not. All scientific considerations on the beginning are speculative in that they involve infinitesimal limit value considerations for that mathematics clearly states that these values are mathematically undefined. We do not even know, if our intellectual understanding of causality and time could ever be applicable to a reality without energy and matter. From a human point of view, the following emergences within our physical world are important: